Law firm "Ivanova & Co"
 Law office “Ivanova & Co.”

The Law office works in the field of civil law, has many years of experience in defense in commercial, family, labor, property, tax cases and others.

You can receive consultations and legal protection regarding:

1. Your labor problems: for the conclusion and preparation of labor and civil contracts, for determining working hours, overtime, vacations, benefits and other labor issues. Judicial protection in labor cases.

2. Dismissals, imposition by employers or cancellation of disciplinary punishment, unpaid wages and those related to social security and retirement.

3. Tax cases and judicial protection in tax cases.

4. The Law office provides appeals of fines imposed by the Traffic Police, Road Transport Administration, Department "Labour Inspectorate", tax and social security authorities, etc.

5. Consulting and judicial protection in the collection of monetary claims, initiation and/or defense in already initiated enforcement cases.

6. Preparation and verification of preliminary contracts for property transactions, notarial deeds, consulting on property issues, legal protection in property disputes.
7. Establishment of a company and registration of changes. Registration of agricultural producers.
8. Management of your business and investment consultations.
9. The Office provides the provision of:
Advice and reference in judicial and administrative bodies, etc.;
Written consultations on legal cases;
Complaints to the prosecutor's office and the police or to other state and municipal bodies;
Preparation of notarial invitations, application for acceptance or refusal of inheritance, preparation of documents for notarial registration, for application for forgiveness of amounts due and for other applications;
Drawing up: written contracts, notarial deeds of ownership, sale, exchange, donation, mortgage, superficies and easements, out-of-court settlement, as well as for carrying out and drawing up a deed of due diligence, etc.

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